Multidimensional Muse

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Are You Listening To Your Creative Guidance & Feeling Into The Flow - Moved By The Moment, A Pandemic Parable

Dear Beautiful Creative Souls,

My Higher Self, Guides, and definitely some Angels and Archangels too, have been gentle urging me to share this uplifting story with all of you. May it inspire you to stay open to your Higher Guidance so you can step into the stream of your creative flow, and receive the quiet everyday miracles that are waiting to wash over you. For these are the breadcrumbs that will lead you toward the light!

Yesterday evening, the universe sent me a test to remind me to walk my talk. Recently I had sent out an email about shifting out of fear by listening to the body, relaxing the mind, and being in the heart. Well, as it turned out, I was awaiting an important delivery of the last of my book inventory for In Rhythm With Your Soul from the US. It was my first time importing anything so the whole process was new to me.

As I was awaiting my book delivery I had a very human moment where I was not in rhythm with my soul. Yes! The universe has a sense of humor and keeps us humble. I literally panicked when I misunderstood that my book had been delivered and thought no one had told me. I drove in a frenzy to my storage locker like a chicken with my head cut off, anxiously anticipating boxes of books sitting curbside.

Fortunately, that was not the case. In that moment of relief, I paid attention and caught myself in the act. Yep, fear had gotten me again. And I share this story because I want to remind everyone that even as we awaken to how multidimensional we are we do not get to side-track the full range of human emotions. We just get invited to be in a different dance with them, one dance at a time.

Fast-forward to the day after, I had calmed down with the use of my breath, tuned in to my body, felt back into my heart, and reminded myself that everything would work out okay and that the universe had my back. I affirmed that everything was unfolding perfectly. And it did. I literally got out of my own way. I let go of the irrational fear.

Before, when I had been stuck in my head, my mind just kept scanning for unpleasant past memories. It was determined to dredge up a time when someone had disrespectfully dumped precious possessions of mine curb-side so that it would all make sense and I could rationalize my intense emotional reaction. I literally felt like I was a nervous mother waiting for my children to come home safely.

Triggers, such as this one, happen because old stuck, unprocessed emotional energy wants to be released. We don’t need to understand it. Just say thank you and let it go. Sometimes this energy is in our energy field and it isn’t even ours. Just the way we can catch a cold, we can also catch free-floating energy around us and confuse it with being from us. Often times, that’s why it doesn’t make sense logically. It instead is only for us, to help us to become more conscious.

Once I was able to relax my mind, center in my heart, and get back online with my Higher Self the whole experience turned out to be the polar opposite. The delivery man was an incredibly positive and decent soul. He helped me bring the skid of books to my locker. And when I spoke from my heart about how I was so happy to have my books back at home closer to me he exclaimed, “We never know what’s in the boxes. That’s great that I get to meet an author today!” Wow! This interaction was so much better than I ever could have imagined!

Our past experiences often create a filter through which our perceptions and beliefs can get distorted. I still have flashbacks from an author visit at a major book store where I stood at my book table with a huge banner, feeling so excited to finally share my labor of love, my book “baby” with the world. And then I bumped up against the sharp edges of hope when I heard things like, “Is that pen free?” or “Where’s the washroom” or “Do you know where they keep the Stephen King Books?” As much as I attempted to hold fast to my belief in myself and my book, my human self wrestled with some limiting beliefs that got reinforced by my taking those energies on as being about me. There was no being a book diva that day.

As the delivery man helped me stack the boxes of books into my locker he asked me the title of my book. He shared how much he enjoyed reading personal growth books and then confided that a year ago he and his wife were in Cuba and he acted in the face of fear. While he was leisurely reading beside her, on the beach, he noticed a young couple from Montreal in the ocean who was drowning so he immediately leaped to their rescue and pulled them into shore. I noticed he was getting a little choked up as he shared his adventure. And I was too.

He mentioned how the couple thanked him by booking a stay for his wife and him at a nice hotel in Montreal, complete with food, limo, the works to extend their gratitude for saving their lives. Then COVID-19 hit and he had to cancel the trip. As well, the hotel in Cuba wanted to recognize his heroism and offered him a free week's stay. Again, with COVID-19 he had to cancel that trip too. We exchanged thoughts about divine timing and both agreed that sometimes when life doesn’t go as we expect, it’s because the universe has something far better in store for us that then we can comprehend.

thanked him for being out there on the frontline still working. And then he shared how he had just made a delivery to a local police station before mine. He had thanked them too for all they were doing. And they had reminded him that we are both on the frontlines, in this together. Definitely a live refresher lesson on how gratitude expands us and raises our energy so high - it is the best immunity builder for our spirit, and our body feels it too. Each and every moment it does matter how we show up for one another, for that is an act of service. You never know what kind of a day someone is having. Being the light, that’s when the flow happens!

At that moment, I listened to my gut and gifted him with the 11th copy of my book in a partial box of books, to say thank you to him for brightening my day and taking such good care of my paper “babies”, that took me ten years to birth. I also reassured him that even if the book wasn’t for him that he could pass it on to someone he knew. He presented his pen and asked me for an autograph before signing the paperwork for our transaction. And Patrick through shining his own light bright showed me that we have a choice - to be on auto-pilot, pre-occupied in our heads or present and in our hearts no matter the practical duty or task. While we came there to complete a practical transaction to move boxes, we were moved by one another’s light too.

Then the synchronicity started to show itself. As we mused on the Pandemic while walking back outside I made a passing comment about this unusual time in the world prompting all of us to get more creative and resourceful. At that moment he divulged he had always wanted to learn to play the guitar but had been holding himself back. And then it struck me! That is exactly what my book In Rhythm With Your Soul is about - facing your inner fears and doing it anyway! And he had gifted me with a whole new experience that reinforced I could have trust and faith in my own guidance and the goodness in people.

The old 3D approach to life was about letting outer circumstances determine how we show up for ourselves and others. It keeps us scared, contracted, at the mercy of an unfair world that gets kicks from threatening us. As we gain conscious ground by shifting into living in 5D, we experience more harmony, trust, and creative flow because we focus on co-creating with the universe and each other from a connection to our intuition and inspiration. While there will be wobbles along the way, each one can remind us that there is more to the world than doom and gloom.

Even after that my Guides and Angels gave me a few more breadcrumbs to chew on! As soon as I left the loading area I attempted to call Ruth in the storage locker office to let her know we were done and she could secure the gate. The call went to voice-messaging. My inner guidance said maybe it’s not a good idea to leave a message. I called back a few more times. And it was the same. I didn’t want to be rude, yet something held me back. When I called back the fifth time, Ruth finally answered. I wanted to thank her for watching out for the delivery and opening the gate to let the freight truck in. That’s when it made sense! She thanked me for the call explaining she had been over at the other warehouse and her phone had been malfunctioning and she couldn’t receive or check her messages. She had forgotten to close the gate. Had I left her a voice message I would have assumed she knew about the gate. While my logical brain could claim it was not my responsibility to remind her, deep down we are all one and stronger when in creative flow together. As the Maya say, “In Lak’ech Ala K’in” ( I am another you and you are another me). By simply listening to my intuition it served a higher good than my mind could first understand.

So in a nutshell, the greatest miracle we can each open ourselves to, in my humble opinion, is to be present with ourselves and with others. When I lost my head and my mind, my fear-based thoughts were of no use to me or anyone. When I got grounded in my body, felt back into that universal truth, re-centered in my heart, and got back online with the divine then everything started flowing again. It reinforced to me that the timeline we activate is the one we focus on. We don’t have to end up feeling like we are living caught in between two polar opposite worlds, being tossed back and forth between them like a ping pong ball. So these days, it is invaluable to create some time daily to quietly check-in with ourselves, to pay attention to where we are focusing our energy. That way you can choose your own adventure, and be in rhythm with your soul.

Wishing You Infinite Blessings & Infinity Creativity!

Love & Light,

Pollyanna Blanco