Ready To Soar Beyond Stress? Start Creating Calm With Your Chakras
Hello Beautiful Creative Souls,
I know it’s been a while since you received a Muse Letter from me. Yes, I am still here. And I am still available to support you on your creative journey to inner wholeness.
For many months I‘ve retreated into my woman cave reflecting, receiving, re-aligning, creating, and birthing new offerings to support you to nurture yourself at this exciting time on Mother Earth. In a world that only seems to be speeding up and getting itself all worked up, I set myself a deeper challenge to CREATE CALM despite what was going on around me - and even inside of me.
So in honor of the Pisces New Moon and International Women’s Week, I am here to share with you what has been helping me along the way with the wish that it will serve you well too!
I see and hear so many women awakening - and men too - to a deeper creative calling, wanting to make a positive impact. Many are entrepreneurs turning on a dime and rebuilding their lives or wondering how to. So many of us are looking to step out of the fear matrix and balance that with being responsible citizens, realizing our dreams, finding greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
Here’s the thing. Solving our problems the way we did in the past by ONLY thinking our way out of them is a recipe for stress! Consider it being like single-handedly squeezing a delicious all-you-can-eat buffet into a brown bag take-away. We end up narrowing the range of options available to us by forcing a fit. Think of it as your brain being that brown paper bag and the information available to you from your chakra centers being squeezed out only through your logical left-brain, as steam starts coming out of your ears. Your brain benefits greatly from being in partnership with the multidimensional you!
How can you tell you are letting your head lead? We try to fit more hours into our day, or more quality into our hours - but we are still tied to the ticking of the clock. As a result, life gets super stressful and we can get so easily cut off from our creativity. That’s where conscious self-care comes in as bar none your best biz strategy, and best life strategy! If you want to create more calm you need to learn how to use your energy differently.
"It's not how many hours you have in your day, it's how consciously you use your energy in your day that matters."
- Pollyanna Blanco
As soon as I set a clear intention to create more calm in my life choices about how I used my energy changed. Sure the universe tested my resolve. I came to understand these as “goddess initiations” along the way.
Although uncomfortable in the moment the bumpin’ up against my edges moments were opportunities in disguise urging me to choose again consciously from the divine feminine way. It isn’t about getting everything perfect and getting a gold star. . . it is about seeing the perfection in the imperfection and embodying that golden star energy within.
It’s about being open and receptive to the greater meaning in the moments, recognizing what energy I’m bringing to my actions and whether this energy matches my intentions. It’s about letting my heart lead and my brain fact-check, my intuition guide me through a connection to my expanding self whose conscious awareness pans out beyond the edges of my cosmic jumpsuit - my body, and the material world as being the real deal.
We are all being called forward in new ways as our world is shifting. There is more and more talk in the mainstream now of living in 5D, The Shift of Ages, the Rise of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, and a Golden Aquarian Age. The great blossoming has been an ongoing, ever-expanding spiral journey for centuries by individuals and cultures devoted to a spiritual practice that awakened a sense of the mystical.
And now we are at a pivotal point where this blossoming in mass consciousness which was prophesized by the ancient visionary Mayans of Mesoamerica and the Cathars of France felt is awakening a new human expression through expanded levels of consciousness. Rooted in the ascended heart, aligned with truth and beauty, they envisioned these energies wanting to birth through all of us at this time to restore balance and harmony.
Each of us is being presented with the opportunity to awaken beyond our material 3D reality and remember that we are so much more than we think we are. At our energetic core, we are an expression of consciousness that is creative, inspired, receptive, heart-centered, and multidimensional.
“We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some have yachts, some have canoes, and some are drowning. Just be kind and help whoever you can.”
- Damian Barr, Columnist, Playwright
We are each all experiencing the Shift of Ages, in our own way, from the crumbling of an old world view out-pictured in our daily news, world events, and our lives. While it has been a challenging time for so many it is in those soulful moments where we are called to see beyond what only seems most real and yet is impermanent to what truly endures - your energy.
For so long now being rational has overshadowed valuing the feeling tone of how we live. We have been programmed to value living in our heads at the expense of our emotions. We have valued pushing on, and making things happen, competition, and comparison as being the benchmarks of success and thriving in a material world. And yet these very values have left us depleted, divided, and desperate.
What if we shifted our perception of things, ourselves, the world. It starts within. I’ve noticed that the moment I am calmer I am more creative. And that’s when the inspiration surges and it’s easier to ride the wave of inspired action. The day unfolds, everything gets done, and if it doesn’t it will, and I still feel connected to an expanded sense of self, heartfelt joy, and peace of mind. If that sounds good please check out my new 22-Day Chakra Care Challenge and join us as we create more calm in our inner and outer worlds - together we are better!
Wishing You Infinite Creative Blessings!
Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco