Reboot Your Base Chakra to Redefine Success
There is a beautiful rebirthing happening as we speak on planet earth. The divine feminine is reawakening through us despite centuries of her sheets being yanked away from her. We now have the opportunity to remember we chose to be here at this time to do our part to add to global harmony. Working with your chakras can help! When we are grounded we feel at home in our bodies so we use our energy differently. We are more likely to be able to share and collaborate with one another and play fair in life’s sandbox together.
Each and every one of us in our own unique way is being called to something greater. It’s an evolutionary imperative! When I was a doe-eyed child I believed that was solving world peace, ending war, and feeding every last hungry stomach. That doe-eyed little girl still lives and breathes inside of me and I love listening to her. And at the same time life has taught me so far that the way in which we are called to do something greater out there begins with being something greater, more expanded within first so that what wants to express through us can move through us and ripple out into the world.
Our world has measured success for so long based on outer accolades, acquisitions, and prestige. The signposts of success being primarily, but not always necessarily materialistic in nature. What car do you drive? Location, location, location! Are those Manolo Blahnik shoes? Yes, I get it - quality, aesthetics, safety. . . as a Taurus I get weak-kneed by artistic beauty. That being said what is the inner energy underneath the drive for these outward expressions?
It seems to me that the reason that greater calling in all of us can get glossed over is for a few reasons. First, the greatest calling is initiated by some deeply personal call to not just change, but transform a place inside of us where it’s been dark and dreary. Perhaps it’s a painful pattern, ancestral belief systems, self-sabotage, addiction, trauma, or crippling anxiety.
Second, when we recognize the sticking point it can be easy to buy into the idea that these inner battles brought to peace within are somehow less significant or make us less worthy of calling our self “successful” in the eyes of the masses. The truth is they are why we can create genuine, long-lasting, heartfelt success!
Third, it can be so easy to lose sight of just how far we’ve come. How many of you recall childhood memories of adults who bought you clothing or shoes a couple of sizes larger? Well, your higher self kinda’ does the same thing for you. When we’ve outgrown our old self and are still growing into our new self it can feel kinda’ awkward galumphing around in those brand new sneakers, trying not to trip over our own feet. It can be so easy to only focus on the “flaws” while moving forward, even after they have been transformed into gifts of grace and enlightenment. And that can keep us mentally stuck in shoes that pinch our feet when we have plenty of space to keep growing into something greater.
One of the things that I’ve discovered along the way is that being grounded in your Root Chakra or Base Chakra makes an enormous difference to how you perceive success, worthiness, and your right to be here as yourself. So many of us are living in our heads, analyzing, worrying, and over-thinking our way through our day. It’s not your fault! We’ve been programmed to a large degree to operate in this way. And living this way can create a lot of confusion and drain our energy. Intellectualized understanding is in the head, deep inner knowing is to be found in the body.
And that’s where the world is shifting - so subtly, yet profoundly you can easily miss it - just as the earth revolves around the sun, there’s no fear of flying off. So too is there a shift back to our inner world revolving around our soul. That shift happens through embodied awareness, slowing down, reconnecting with our body’s wisdom, and being present to it. For many of us, being in our body is a “War and Peace” replay daily. We control how we look, we criticize and compare. We use our heads to force a fit.
Rebooting your base chakra is all about establishing a peace treaty within. It’s about rebuilding the most crucial relationship with yourself and then evolving that into a true partnership between your body and soul. When your body is no longer swinging blindly in the dark, locked in fight or flight that’s when your soul’s light can pierce the darkness with love, and all of you can just relax into a transcendent awakening of who you really are. Success created from befriending your authentic self will feel deeply fulfilling and will expand you beyond all cookie-cutter definitions of success. By meeting yourself in the dark, you will learn to lead from your light.
Wishing You Infinite Creative Blessings & Infinite Creative Abundance!
Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco
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AND join us for our Chakradance 10-day Reboot Your Base Chakra E-Course, starting Monday, April 12, 2021, energy exchange of $55 USD (tax included), email me here to register!