How often do you put your cell phone down, power off your computer, and turn off your TV?

What if for even just a few minutes you were to

close your eyes



and ground yourself

bringing your attention inward

It’s in the present moment when we are calm and centered that we can tap into our richest resources of energy through our DIVINE CREATIVITY.

It’s so common for our minds to wander to the predictable past or future. I invite you to ask yourself, “Can I define myself by a vision of my future rather than a memory of my past?”

When we are CALM we can be more CREATIVE and when we are rushing through life in survival mode it is difficult to close our eyes because we feel the need to be vigilant. So we stay in our familiar discomfort zone by default as it feels safer even if it costs us our inner peace.

Change is uncomfortable as it requires us to step into the unknown and trust that we are being guided by something deeper in us that knows the way even if we don’t understand it. It is with each step into uncharted territory that a map back to ourselves naturally emerges beyond our familiar, habitual thoughts.

That’s why taking your body through a gentle healing movement practice can literally move your world and raise your energetic frequency!

Claiming the frequency of abundance starts within first!

In a world where we often spend increasingly more hours connected to WIFI, and we’ve never been more disconnected from ourselves and our intuition, living in lack and scarcity.

Abundance is about so much more than money!

It’s a state of receptivity and openness to the unknown through divine trust that allows us to receive the good that the universe has for us.

That’s why unplugging from all the gadgets and taking time out of your busy life to tune into yourself and your inner world is one of the greatest gifts of service you can give to yourself.

Imagine what your life would be like if. . .

🌟 You could “let off steam” without creating more upset and instead feel lighter and freer.

🌟 Your body could relax and feel calmer even when facing life’s ups and downs.

🌟 You could take a break from all that mind chatter and feel at home in your body, connected to your inner wisdom.

🌟 If it felt like the universe really did have your back and that you were being guided and supported each step of the way.

Would you then be willing to say YES to a gentle, easy, and nourishing process that could make all that possible for you here and now?

I get it! So many of us are busy, stressed, juggling many different things, and meeting so many different demands.

Making time for ourselves can be incredibly challenging, and yet making time for our own healing work is crucial if we want to feel truly alive, vibrant, and connected.

Also, it’s worth remembering that by doing our own healing work, we are helping others as well.

As our energy shifts, we automatically help shift the energy of those around us. There is a ripple effect that takes place. When enough people are consciously healing, collectively we help heal and shift the energy of the world.

Let’s start healing ourselves and the world, one dance at a time.

Our own healing work has never been more needed than it is today

Chakradance Reboot Your Base Chakra E-Course

Nov. 21 - November 30, 2024

USD 77, PayPal or E-Transfer

feel grounded, at home in yourself, and anchored in peace during these shifting times

While this is a only ten-day self-guided mini e-course my sacred intention is that it may be a doorway into a new way of life for you.

Once you experience the extra energy levels, the grounded sensation of really being present in your body, and the deepened sense of radiance and vitality, I hope that you will be motivated and inspired to continue with this new way of living.

Lots of Love & Light! 💖🌟

Pollyanna Blanco


After you register and I’ve confirmed your payment, you’ll receive an email with links to all the self-guided course materials, including audio downloads with instructions for the 10-day Chakradance e-course.

You’ll also receive an invitation to a private Reboot Your Base Chakra Private Facebook group for participants in the e-course. There you’ll find inspiration and additional guidance to support you on your inner journey with the course materials and have the opportunity to share your experiences with the group.

I can appreciate that not everyone is into Facebook groups so in addition to the group I’ve added a few Zoom calls as check-in points for our group and these will be posted in the group. Upon request, if preferred, replays will be emailed to people.

The Zoom links for the dates below will be emailed to you a day or so before.

Zoom Call #1 - Monday, November 20 @ 7 pm EST

Prepare to Reboot Your Base Chakra

Zoom Call #2 - ThurS., November 23 @ 7 pm EST

Sacred Body Awareness Experience Sharing

Zoom Call #3 - Mon., November 27 @ 7 pm EST

Trust Your Instincts Experience Sharing

Zoom Call #4 - Thurs., November 30 @ 7 pm EST

Mantra Dance Experience Sharing & Integration


ays 1 - 3: SACRED Body Awareness

We will be focusing primarily on body awareness and building our communication with our bodies, as well as learning to understand the language of our symptoms. We will also explore more grounding techniques and ways of anchoring our energy.

Days 4 - 6: Trust Your Inner Instincts

We will be meeting our power animal and attuning to its messages through meditation, movement, and ritual. Over these days we will be learning to trust our inner instincts.

Days 7 - 9: HEALING Mantra Dance

We will reboot our base chakra further by using the power of chant. We will work with a specific mantra dance to embody the energy of the mantra.

Day 10: SOULFUL Integration

We will focus on the sacred closing of our journey and look to the next steps for ongoing chakra care.

Remember, this is a course that is designed to be woven into your daily life.

You do not need to take time off from work, or go and sit on a mountain-top.

You are simply embracing a few healing movement practices for a new and improved way of life.


I’ve been a licensed Chakradance facilitator offering many small group workshops and private 1:1 sessions in Toronto, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, and Mexico for close to 10 years now. I have had the honor of witnessing the profound shifts and benefits participants have received from this moving healing experience, set to sound healing music, with guided imagery.

I am a licensed Holistic Practitioner with the City of Toronto & Chakradance Facilitator; registered with the Canadian Reiki Association, The International Institute of Complementary Therapists, & Ontario College of Teachers; published author In Rhythm With Your Soul (Deeper Well Publishing) and co-author of the International Best-Seller, We Are The Sacred Feminine Rising (Soulfully Aligned Publishing)

My cosmic mission and soul calling is to serve as a Sacred Self-Care Coach + Creative Midwife + Chakradance Facilitator + Quantum Energy Healer & Intuitive + Transformational Teacher + Author. In my energy healing practice, I champion the sacred self-care of busy lightworkers awakening to their greater vision and mission so they can sustain the energy to birth their dreams and embody their lightwork. As a Creative Midwife, I weave energy healing, dance movement therapy, and intuitive guidance into a divinely inspired creative process that empowers creative souls to reconnect with their true selves, remember their expanded selves, and emerge transformed through their experiences in these shifting times, inspired and ready to share their sacred soul gifts with the world.


“Chakradance™ is such a gentle & soulful way to embrace yourself at a deeper level.”

— Cindy, Canada

“What an amazing journey that energized my body and uplifted my soul. I am in love with Chakradance.”

— Kalid, Portugal

“Chakradance was a beautiful experience. I cannot believe how much I learned about myself and my relationship to Universal energy. How loved I am and how safe.”

— Beverley, New Mexico

“Since your workshop, I’ve been SINGING IN MY SLEEP! I’ve been dancing in the coffee shop while waiting in line. . and in general I feel lighter and more at peace with the world.”

— Chris, Canada

“Chakradance has truly re-ignited my joy in life, my sense of purpose and has begun an extraordinary domino effect of regeneration of body, mind, and spirit.”

— Angela, USA

“Chakradance has brought back to me those parts of myself that I had forgotten or left by the wayside as life presented other demands. It has given me clarity, renewed strength, a handbag of beautiful tools, and a re-ignited knowing that I can create and manifest what is exactly right for me.”

— Kathy, Canada