Inspired Guidance & Intuitive Sessions
divine revelations to help you remember that you know the way
Do any of these ring true for you? Here's what's possible in 30-60 minutes!
Feeling hesitant? Confirm your intuitive inklings!
Feeling confused? Connect with your higher divine guidance!
Feeling unclear? Gain clarity about the soul lessons that are here for you!
We are all intuitive by birthright! Many of us were taught to shut down our inner knowing and have learned to distrust it. When I offer you an intuitive session what you can expect from me is a heart-centered, safe, and non-judgmental space where you can be heard, seen, and acknowledged. I may pull in the use of oracle cards or other healing techniques with your consent.
My intention is to support you to begin to trust your own inner knowing again through our time together. I often use Socratic questioning to gently guide you to discover that the answers are already inside you. My greatest hope for you is that you will become empowered over time through our shared experiences together to be your own intuitive and feel connected to your higher guidance.
This session IS for you if you want
confirmation of your own intuitive knowing for reassurance
to know what you need to know, more than what you want to know
clarity and insight into what is unfolding based on your current alignment
your choices and how you are directing your energy for your highest good
to feel divinely empowered to trust your own inner intuitive guidance
to receive additional support with spiritual hygiene practices
This session is NOT for you if you want
to be told what the ultimate outcome will be in any given situation
to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do - this isn’t fortune-telling
to send healing to another person who is not present on the call
to tell you if your love interest is your “twin flame” or “soul mate”
if you are not willing to do your inner shadow work and want a quick fix
1-hour Inspired Guidance & Intuitive Session
Appointment via Zoom
$150 USD (tax included)
Reading recording delivered to the email that you’ve paid from in MP4 format
No refunds
30-Minute Inspired Guidance & Intuitive Session
Appointment via Zoom
$75 USD (tax included)
Reading recording delivered to the email that you’ve paid from in MP4 format
No refunds
Here Are 10 Ways To Shift From Surviving to Thriving As A Multidimensional Being
tap into Creativity!
Go from confusion to creativity! So many of us have been programmed to think our way through life within the edges of our five senses, which we believe tell us what is most real. The problem is when over-thinking takes over, energetic “static” or stress in your life creates imbalances. Your chakras tune you into more channels of information; your intuition, imagination, and beyond, offering you valuable feedback so you can free up your energy. Your creativity expands as your consciousness expands.
2. choose wellbeing!
Go from the fast track to the light lane! Life is constantly moving. We are energy in motion. We are “tuned” into various frequencies at any given moment through our thoughts and emotions. The challenge is some of these are conscious, while many more are subconscious. These vibrations in the form of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are broadcast out to the world. We also receive these frequencies into our body through our chakra system. So in every moment, we are constantly dancing with energies; some are heavy and some feel lighter. Depending on our choices, conscious or not, our energy is either contracting or expanding. And how we focus this energy greatly impacts our sense of well-being.
3. get in sync!
Go from scattered to unified! Sometimes our energy can feel diffused or just plain ol’ out-of-sync. We may resist change and become stuck, drained, uninspired, disconnected from the divine, not at home in our bodies, or grounded in our lives. Like wilted flowers, we can end up dulling our vibrancy, playing small, and missing the joy that comes from pursuing our inner creative growth. Activating your chakras and balancing them can help you metabolize the energy flowing between your inner and outer worlds so that you experience greater harmony and alignment with your authentic self.
Go from weary to wise! So often when we are stressed we are fixated on the problem. To truly get to the root cause of it we need to address the underlying energies that are propping it up in the first place. Activating and working with your chakras will help you to recognize and release old stuck energies that have been piling up too much and siphoning precious life force energy for just a little too long, causing us to over-compensate, creating imbalances. These energetic blocks or ”creative clutter” can become the fertilizer for the soul when transformed. With the right attention, awareness, and consistent practice you can prepare the soil and seed your deepest and highest desires so they can begin to bloom.
5. reclaim your inner map!
Go from bumping along to happy trails! As the pace of life picks up it’s so easy to search for quick fixes outside of us that can cause turbulence. Working with your chakras regularly will help you chuck the Advil, clap the glove compartment shut, and discover an inner map back to who you truly are. Activating your chakras will set you on navigating your path not so much with your head, but with your heart - your inner compass - helping you read the signposts, providing greater stability, no matter the terrain. Happiness is truly an inside job! Accessing your GPS (Goddess Positioning System) is the inner technology you already come with.
6. expand your consciousness!
Go from checked out to tuned in! Your conscious awareness holds the magic key! Stress can trigger us to disassociate, distract ourselves, or go into denial. We can end up operating with only a small part of us swiping in. Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of self interplay with one another through your chakras, as well as interconnect with the greater creative field to bring new creations into being. So awakening to your multidimensional self is like receiving a VIP seat with a view from spirit. As Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness it was created from.
7. lean into love!
Go from critical to caring! Demands and pressures can trigger us to plug an’ play our own looping Darwinian rendition of Survival of the Fittest. Beating ourselves up, and judging ourselves and others can really shut down the body’s greatest energy processing system. What’s the antidote to the hate and horror? As you work with your chakras you will discover how to get out of your own way, shift from resistance to allowing, and greater self-love and acceptance. (FYI Darwin mentioned the word LOVE tenfold more than ‘survival’.) Learning to love it all makes it easier to show up as a unified presence. Then you become a clear channel for the universal co-creative energy that want to express through you, in partnership with body, heart, soul, and spirit.
8. get online with the divine
Go from struggling to soaring! To see past the mud of day-to-day mishaps requires perceiving beyond what your rational, ego-mind can comprehend, surrendering to your deepest soul truth, and heeding your highest divine guidance. For it is your sustained connection to your own inner growth process that opens the gate to the “Wi-Fi signal” in your inner garden. Gaining high-speed access to a clear stream of creative inspiration through connecting to your Higher Self, Universe, God Source, or however you call it, waters the seeds of your visions. Just as a flower turns to face the sun, your connection to your highest divine guidance is pure spiritual nourishment.
9. nurture your divine feminine energy
Go from exhausted to empowered! Our world is way out of balance right now so it is no surprise that we’re feeling it on the inside too. Globally we are experiencing The Shift of Ages. Old lopsided patriarchal programs are crumbling and there is something deeper at play here. Many things just ain’t working no more! The healthy divine feminine and divine masculine energies are seeking restoration and balance in us; yearning for sacred union and wholeness. Instead of being tossed around on a never-ending tilt-o-whirl, rebalancing your chakras will help you enter into an infinite flow of receiving and giving.
10. cultivate a rich inner creative life
Go from weeds to wow! When we are feeling stuck it is so easy to stay focused on our perceived flaws, failures, losses, and regrets. Grab your weed-whacker! And put it in storage. Let your urban garden help you cross-pollinate a garden that is brimming with the fruits of your inspired creative callings. Working with your chakras will help you to deepen your connection to your own true nature. One that is the most loving expression of who you truly are - the weeds, the watercress, and the wild ginger - contributing to the beauty and birdsong of our collective garden.
Copyright, Multidimensional Muse Inc. 2021