What People Often Misunderstand About Stress That Keeps Them Stuck


I’m tired of how normal it’s become to live in a STRESS CULTURE! And, yep, I’m getting on my soapbox to say “ENOUGH!!”

It’s costing us way too much.

It’s costing us our physical health. . . peace of mind. . . and most of all it’s robbing us of our most precious resource. . . our ENERGY!

It’s even got us confused about where our stress comes from in the first place. We’re left with the impression that stress is something that comes at us from outside of ourselves and happens to us. That’s just the way life is!

What many people don’t realize is that the secret to transforming those energy drainers into energy renewals has everything to do with harnessing the POWER of our EMOTIONS, more than changing our thoughts.

Why are we missing this?

Most of our emotions are happening below our radar. Whether we realize it or not, understand it or not, our emotions are voting for which hormones are being activated, and it’s our physiology that’s keeping score.

Our body speaks to us in countless ways. . . through sleepless nights, aches, pains, stiffness, bloating, digestive issues, weight gain, migraines, thyroid issues. . . and more.

Let’s decide it’s time to TRANSCEND the craziness and soar beyond stress. If that sounds like an impossible dream, given everything that you’re juggling, then beautiful creative soul, let’s agree it’s time, at last, to create a culture of calm so you can reclaim your SACRED CREATIVE POWER.

Do you want more energy?

Is caffeine your go-to morning fix? Has your local Starbucks or Tim’s staff started to feel like extended family?

Are you fantasizing about fleeing that hamster wheel job that’s not jumpstarting your joy?

Maybe you really love what you do, yet you’re still so exhausted by the end of the day. You’re following your passion, and it’s not supposed to be this way, so what gives?

And here’s the kicker. . .

As we move through our day, there will be plot twists, unexpected traffic snarls, and irritating moments that will literally keep our bodies in a prolonged stress state until we are willing and open to exploring another way to face these moments.

Having a quick and easy way to SHIFT your emotional state will help you to STEP OUTSIDE OF STRESS

Your energy is your greatest resource. . .learn how to manage it well.

As a full-time high school teacher simultaneously embracing my passion to serve as a holistic healer and entrepreneur I know what it’s like to feel wiped out by the end of the day. Learning how to manage my energy has changed my life and I know it can do the same for you.

I invite you to CLICK THIS LINK and hop on a 20-minute soul call with me. Let’s chat about how you can plug those energy drains and better sustain your energy throughout the day!

Lots of love & light!

Pollyanna Blanco

Shifting Gears After A Busy Day to Avoid an Energy Crash


Are you feeling tired all the time? Do you feel like you have no energy to do anything by the end of the work day? So often we can end up living in our heads, feeling disconnected from our bodies. Life doesn’t have to go on that way!

We are so much more than our thoughts! It can be so easy to over-identify with them. We can end up taking them in as the truth when they only represent one possible perception of many. Often the stories our mind creates instinctively tend to worry us, generating anxiety.

It’s not our fault though, it’s just our ‘factory default setting’, what some psychologists refer to as the “negativity bias”. Our brain is programmed to be in survival mode until we call in the ‘upgrades’ for our human operating system through consciousness raising practices.

When we are more fully inhabiting our body then the mind chatter can become less dominant and the beginnings of a beautiful partnership between body and mind can begin to unfold. Working with your ROOT CHAKRA invites you to feel safe and at home in your body and nurtures an awakened relationship that supports more balance, harmony, peace, and joy to emerge and bubble up.

Need some help shifting gears? As a dancer most of my life I have found that moving my body, moves my energy, and moves my life. The best medicine for the paralysis of analysis is to get moving!

That’s why Chakradance has been my go-to practice when I notice my energy is low from a busy day, engaging with people and experiences. It helps me to release the over-thinking and helps me to shift into a heightened sensory awareness of being present in my body, as well as my inner world. Rather than trying to figure everything out in my head and getting caught up in pain loops, I invite my body to speak to me in ways that the ego-mind often resists or blocks. The clarity and insight I gain from this healing process is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Yes, we have everything we need inside of us - are we listening to ourselves?

Now when I come home from work this movement healing modality is the perfect way to transition from my busy day, cleanse, and release the energy of the day so I can feel more connected to my own energy, and refreshed. Dancing my ROOT CHAKRA creates the stability I need to keep moving on with my day with ease and trust.

Chakradance is a powerful way to reconnect with your inner healer so you can restore peace, calm, harmony, and balance through conscious self-care.

I invite you to hop on a 15-20 minute SOUL CALL with me to learn how Chakradance can help you get your life moving in a way that feels more aligned, peaceful, balanced, and calm.

CLICK HERE to book your call with me!

Keep dancing your dreams into a beautiful reality. . . lots of love & light!

Pollyanna Blanco

Calming the Mind When it’s In Overdrive


Inner peace is the foundation of your health and well-being. Are you feeling anxious? Are you wanting relief from the negative mind chatter? So often when our minds are running on overdrive we experience underlying anxiety that just hangs around.

When we’re constantly planning the next 5 steps, as a result, we take our awareness out of the moment. Working with your ROOT CHAKRA can help you to feel less like you are about to short-circuit from living in an ongoing state of low-grade anxiety, and more at home, and grounded in your body.

Our bodies are not meant to be living in fight or flight for extended periods of time. Imagine how unrealistic and unsustainable it would be to keep lifting weights 24/7, every day of the week, with no rest and recovery time.

Our over-active thoughts need some down time too! So many of these thoughts often tend to be negative and fear-based when we are living in stress-culture. Since so many people are in go-mode it can just seem like a normal way to be, even if we don’t enjoy it.

That’s what I felt like when I was going through an especially challenging time in my personal life a number of years back. At first, I didn’t even realize how adapted I had become to living in survival mode, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It all seemed to happen without my even realizing it until I found myself waking up on a regular basis tired, restless, and anxious about the day ahead.

Chakradance has really helped me to relax my racing mind when the thought of sitting still to meditate seemed too challenging, and continues to be my regular practice. As I relax into my body’s gentle movements to the beautiful music and guided imagery I transcend the worries my mind keeps recycling and I invite in an expansive new inner experience in the moment - one infused with self-love, self-acceptance, and divine grace

The body thrives when we love and care for it. Chakradance is a powerful way to reconnect with your inner healer so you can restore peace, calm, harmony, and balance through conscious self-care.

I invite you to hop on a 15-20 minute SOUL CALL with me to learn how Chakradance can help you get your life moving in a way that feels more aligned, peaceful, balanced, and calm.

CLICK HERE to book your call with me!

Much Love & Light,

Pollyanna Blanco

Inviting Your Symptoms to Speak


Symptoms are signals. Is your body aching, stiff, or sore? Our bodies are wise and constantly communicating with us, telling us what they need.

In our modern world, It’s so common to just try to get rid of the symptom by taking medication to receive relief from the pain so we can soldier on through our day.

What we miss along the way when we seek to just get rid of the symptom is that it’s a call for more of our attention, love, and care. Chances are the symptom will persist until we pay it the attention it requires.

While it’s a good idea to visit a doctor to find out more about the symptom, in tandem, we can also focus on building a stronger, more trusting relationship with our body by listening to it and noticing how it speaks to us.

Movement is medicine for me. The beautiful complementary health practice that offers me that medicine is Chakradance as it offers me a gentle healing dance therapy process for listening to my body speak through its sensations rather than suppressing them. I become more aware of the thoughts and emotions connected to the symptom and have a way to move through them to replenish my energy.

I have witnessed miraculous results in working with clients. A woman in one of my small groups revealed to the group that she had been suffering from vertigo and declared that after dancing the root chakra it was the first time in a long time that she felt she could stand for an extended period without feeling dizzy.

If you feel like your body is betraying you in some way, then I know Chakradance can offer you more peace, joy, and harmony.

If any of what I’ve shared has piqued your interest, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to book a 20-minute soul call with me so we can continue the conversation over a cup of your favorite beverage. I would love to hear how things have been for you lately.

We can explore if Chakradance is a good fit for you and a way that can help you transform your life, so you can live the fullest expression of your vision and mission.

Keep dancing your dreams into a beautiful reality. . .lots of love & light!


Reboot Your Base Chakra to Redefine Success

One of the things that I’ve discovered along the way is that being grounded in your Root Chakra or Base Chakra makes an enormous difference to how you perceive success, worthiness, and your right to be here as yourself. So many of us are living in our heads, analyzing, worrying, and over-thinking our way through our day. It’s not your fault! We’ve been programmed to a large degree to operate in this way.

3 Ways To Create Calm In Under 30 Seconds - When You're feeling The Weight Of The World

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Ready To Soar Beyond Stress? Start Creating Calm With Your Chakras

We are each all experiencing the Shift of Ages, in our own way, from the crumbling of an old world view out-pictured in our daily news, world events, and our lives. While it has been a challenging time for so many it is in those soulful moments where we are called to see beyond what only seems most real and yet is impermanent to what truly endures - your energy.

Want Freedom From The Fishbowl? You'll Thank Yourself - Life Is Lighter On The Multidimensional Side

Okay, let’s play pretend for a moment and get our feet wet - imagine you’re Freida or Freddie the goldfish. Why would you look beyond the bowl when you can just see right through it? Well . . . if you’ve ever tried to look through a fishbowl, from the inside out, the curved glass bends the light. So imagine you are swimmin’ around, flappin’ your fins . . . as you look through the curved window you would be getting a distorted view of the world around you - and you wouldn’t even realize something was off! So what creates your fishbowl experience?

Are You Being Your Own Best Friend? What's Coping Gotta Do With It When You Have Compassion

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Expressing Energy In Stressful Times - Are You Hearing Your Human Chakras?

How are you expressing your energy? At any given moment we are presented with opportunities that can awaken us to how we are showing up for people and situations in our lives. Are we even aware of the energy we are broadcasting or just coasting on auto-pilot, a walking zombie? There's no judgment here, only curiosity. Both scenarios can serve our highest good.