Dear Beautiful Creative Souls,
When I asked the Muse for inspiration and tuned into her guidance, as well as asking my higher dimensional guides and angels what would serve the highest good at this time, I felt compelled to share this transmission from Spirit. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it felt like the perfect time to honor the sacred feminine in all of us, regardless of gender, and to speak from a multidimensional perspective about this impetus from deep within to birth the authentic creative self.
And I want to express heartfelt thanks to my beautiful creative mother for caring for me so deeply and nurturing my creative self from the first day I gasped for breath and tumbled into this world kicking and screaming. Her lifelong dedication to her own creative expression as a writer and poet in honor of the Muse has been a source of great inspiration and modelling for me. From a young age I was encouraged to pursue creative projects and birth new things into the world; from a stuffed toy line, to headbands, to a comic book, to poems, to water color painting together, and even self-publishing my first story for our family and friends.
While we have all been shuttered up and moving through our own internal process of adjusting to the new normal in the world, we have also been gifted with the opportunity to look within ourselves and explore our internal world as much as we often explore the external world.
This opportunity looks different for everyone. Some of you may be finding that you barely have a minute to yourself whereas others of you may feel you have been catapulted into monastic life, and many of you vary from day to day somewhere in between those two poles. Either way, this opportunity to reflect is there for the offering and appears in the heightened milliseconds or the extended hours available to us. These moments amplify something deep within us, that is yearning to help us find our own way to wade through the swamp-like terrain of emotions, worries, concerns, and pressures.
It goes back to that old problem-solution scenario and for many of us. We have been discovering that our old coping mechanisms that may have worked in the past, have become stale sooner than anticipated or the discomfort they were once masking is instead amplified now. As a result, we are left to our own devices to take our usual zig-zag on a new trajectory or face even more discomfort, restlessness, and ultimately fear.
So this is a golden time for birthing your creative self. Depression precedes creation. What has been lying dormant is ready to be activated. With each conscious choice that reads on our radar screen, where once it lay under the radar, we stand in the presence of infinite creative possibilities.
Each of these moments can call forth a forgotten aspect of self, a lost creative impulse, a dusty memory of something left unfinished. And that’s the conscious choice point. When we stare at the packet of seeds in front of us do we plant even one of them?
The reasoning mind often hesitates at first. It likes to play things safe, keep things predictable, and stay in the comfort zone. New life seeded from stepping out of our familiar habits can feel awkward, uncomfortable, even unrealistic, or impossible to the head. Our nervous system is hard-wired on its most primal level to keep us safe and inside the lines, not to be creative. Even experiencing our creative life force through childbirth involves this dance of expansion. Becoming pregnant can be both filled with resplendent hope and also be tinged with fear of the unknown, our world promising to be forever changed.
It takes creative courage then to venture beyond what has worked in the past to start a new habit, pursue that creative calling, start that new business, develop that new skill. We get that on a human 3D level.
We can also expand our perspective, tune into the energy underneath this impetus to create something new, and access that deeper part of ourselves that wants to birth more than just a new thing/experience in our outer world. That creative force within us is calling forward a paradigm shift, a new unexplored terrain of living and learning awaits, a new way of being with yourself and showing up in the world calls.
Just as a pregnant mother is conscious of caring for that baby in her womb, so too do we connect with that soulful creative expression inside of us that wants to be birthed. There’s an at-one-ness, a unity through a deep connection to self and baby that is sacred. And in birthing the creative self, that same deep sacred connection to body and soul is birthed too.
Right now our outer world is topsy-turvy. Seeding that connection to our creative self is needed more than ever. Creativity is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. And the next big collective paradigm shift that we are transitioning into is a Creative Revolution. A time when we shift our story to that of ourselves as conscious co-creators, becoming aware of our human operating system from an expanded multidimensional perspective. To paraphrase Barbara Marx Hubbard you are evolution itself expressing through you.
Birthing children is an incredibly important way to contribute to the world, and thanks to that we are here on earth. And if we feel into the essence of that calling to give birth, we can begin to see it exists within all of us and is expressed in different forms. And as we tune into this expanded awareness within we can discern how to contribute our piece of the puzzle to heaven on earth by co-creating a paradigm shift that collectively honors this creative life force as essential to both our own and our planetary well-being.
As A Course In Miracles states, “Nothing unreal can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” We make things real by how we perceive them. A paradigm is a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. When you change how you look at something you are creating a paradigm shift. And that starts with each of us, by seeing yourself as you really are, not as you have been taught to see yourself. I am not suggesting denial here; if I don’t see it then it doesn’t exist. What I am suggesting is looking at the same old challenge, limitation, or perceived problem through new eyes. In other words, creative curiosity.
Again, as I’ve mentioned before in other posts, Einstein talked about how we cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it. Behind all the drama, sets, costuming, and staging, according to the Ancient Greek philosophers, our soul is already whole and complete. It was essentially called to earth to be in a body so that we could experience limitations and challenges so the universe could keep expanding through us. So this act of discernment between illusion and reality as we experience it for ourselves is an act of love that calls you to “into-me-see” or intimacy, of being okay with our vulnerability. For on the other side of the walls of illusion we build around us believing these are keeping ourselves safe, exists the garden where we actually experience safety. Taking one brick down at a time with kindness and compassion is an excellent start.
If immunity can be loosely defined as exemption from experiencing “dis-ease” then we can consider that anything that puts our body, heart, mind, soul, or spirit in a state of being not at ease is what is keeping us from feeling unified. When something is not true for you and yet you attempt to force a fit, it causes non-congruent energy to remain creating energetic interference within you. As you allow this creative life force within you to bring you back home to your authentic creative expression you come home to yourself and feel more and more at ease. Whenever I have been in a challenging situation, creativity is ultimately my medicine, freeing me from getting stuck in what I don’t want soI can shift my attention to focus on what uplifts me and restores hope.
And as more and more of us awaken to this deeper force within and honor it we are woven together by this essential common thread. The more aware we are, the more we live in resonance with our creative self, the stronger the thread. Through our interconnection, we restore unity within, and without, and that is the best immunity!
Wishing you infinite blessings & infinite creativity!
Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco