Dear Beautiful Creative Souls,
When I asked the Muse for inspiration, and my higher dimensional Angels and guides to show me what would be most helpful for you this week, a great download came through right before falling asleep. I hope this week’s share will reassure you that you already have everything you need inside of yourself to create the solutions in your life that will bring you the greatest possible fulfillment at this time.
How wired are you feeling these days? Many people now are both working and shopping from home. Our world is on-line more than ever. Many of us start our day by turning our computer on or checking our cell phone.
Let me ask you? Are you in the same habit of connecting with your inner technology?
Imagine if you took just a few minutes every morning to re-start your energy system by getting your chakras online? Would your day unfold more easily? Would you be more patient or kinder or (you fill in the blank) with yourself, co-workers, friends, and family? How would it feel to start your day on a full tank even if you never left your driveway? Let me help you unplug for a few minutes and free up some energy by reconnecting with yourself through your chakras! I’ll show you how with a free 15-minute chakra check-in.
Chakras are the energy centers that interface with your body. These “wheels” (Sankrit term for chakras) of light receive energy from your outer environment and pull this energy into your inner environment. You also broadcast your energy through these energetic communication centers. Although chakras are not visible to the eye, they are a scientifically measurable extension of your body’s sensing system and interplay with your endocrine system affecting your body systems through your thoughts and feelings.
So what does “community” have to do with it? For most of us, we think of our community as existing outside of us. Yet what about our inner community? You oversee your own inner sovereign state — your body! Starting with the communities of atoms, that connect to create molecules, then chemicals, then organs, then body systems, then the entire body vehicle itself, nobody can know your body as well as you can.
So where does our energy come from? Contrary to mass-marketing and a mind that can act like a sly fox, re-starting your energy system does not have to rely on caffeine, sugar, or adrenaline. Over-time our energy system can become dimmed down from depending on these quick fixes.
What your soul craves is not another bag of barkTHINS dark chocolate munchies, it craves YOU! Yes, the light of your unconditionally loving, fully amped-up presence. You are in essence a being of light just like the stars. You are an expression of pure-source love in physical human form so don’t get confused by the outer get up. It makes perfectly good sense then that the light of your presence is the real you because that light is the most you, you can ever truly be.
And each one of these inner communities within you also emits light energy. In fact, according to quantum physics, everything is made up of energy even if it seems solid. Did you know that a hydrogen atom is about 99.9999999999996% empty space? Scientifically speaking then, there is way more space in you than the outer edges of your body suggest. And when you shine the light of your awareness on yourself, you become more yourself. And yes, the good news is there’s more of you to go around!
Each of our seven energy centers or chakras also have their own consciousness and interplay with your energy communities. They are like the seven brains of our inner personal parliament regulating how we are in that space. And you only need to have experienced a heated committee meeting to imagine that getting seven brains in sync requires some practice with focused awareness to get the whole team on board.
One chakra could be under-active or contracted, taking more time to manifest or create what we intend because there is a breakdown in the flow of “communication”. If other chakras are over-active they may also start over-functioning creating imbalances in your internal system. And others could be open and expanded, prepared to offer insight and inspiration to the rest of the system.
Stress can freeze your energy too! Yikes! You can literally get frozen-in-time, attached without realizing it to a memory or an anticipated future dread. That cuts you off from the flow of creative abundance. It can become like trying to run your computer on 1% battery life for a full day’s work. So brain-body coherence is about restoring balance, harmony, and flow through these centers so our life force energy can flow.
As within, so without, as above, so below. Master Energy Healer Deborah King says, “What stops your chakras, and keeps them dead in the water is taking an emotion and saying ‘I’m not going to feel that.” She then says when your energy stops moving it becomes all muddy explaining, “Your body grows out of your energy field, so your body is going to look like your field.” So taking good care of your energy strengthens the energetic template that informs how your body will be — it’s the blueprint. So if you want to change or heal something in your body, working on an energetic level is the key to unlocking new possibilities.
So your thoughts are powerful, your body is listening, and your chakras are just wanting to express the state of the nation. Sometimes it can feel like a hostile take-over within. Shifting out of your head and into your heart can free you from such traps as judgment and blame, of self and others, that can keep your energy frozen in fear and on lockdown. Instead of competing with yourself or others, you can shift into being in collaboration by being present with all those beautiful wheels of light and considering what they have to say.
Compassion for all aspects of yourself, forgiving yourself, strengthens your trust with yourself, and love and trust are the same energy. When the flower trusts its own nature and the greater divine will of the universe it just listens and blossoms. As you remember to see your own innocence underneath the energies within you that might seek to contract you, then instead of closing your petals from opening to the light, you can redirect your awareness back to letting the light in. And you are that.
You can restore your experience of inner wholeness, love, safety, trust, and peace through how you take care of your energy body. As Archangel Zadkiel, through Sri and Kira states in the Lessons of Light (Chapter 9),
“If your light shell has been disrupted with holes, tears, and scars from negative energy patterns that you have attracted to yourself through self hatred, self judgment, lack of self trust, confusion, and depression, then the pure vibrational trust energy is challenged to connect with you."
Everything you need within is not ever absent, it’s still available to you. Just like a cloudy day, the light just gets obscured. Zadkiel states that pure flow will always contain Light, Love, Compassion, and Service.
Visualization is a great way to focus your awareness on the light energy that surrounds every aspect of you from the tiniest atom to your entire body. By intending to be at one with that inner light then you will discover deep freedom and feel in rhythm with your soul.
Working with your chakras then is not about fixing yourself as there is nothing in you that is broken. Instead, it is about a re-birthing of the self and a remembering of who you truly are beyond perceived limitations.
As a free gift to you, I hope you’ll give the free videos shared from Gaia TV below a view, especially the 8-minute one. Sometimes we just need to adjust our perception ever so slightly.
So while it has been challenging past few months for so many of us to be sheltered in at home for extended periods of time, it is also a rare opportunity to feel our way back to freedom beyond what the naked eye perceives. Please know that you are not alone. We are all continuously learning and growing through our experiences. And together we rise and shine brighter! I continue to receive so much learning and growth through my own life experiences and from serving you too! Let me help you find the fertilizer for your soul to support you to blossom — your garden awaits.
Wishing you Infinite Creativity & Infinite Creative Blessings!
Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco