Dear Beautiful Creative Souls,
When I asked the Muse for inspiration she gently nudged me to share with you the freedom that lies beyond your proverbial fishbowl. . . so many of us over-identify as human physical beings. And I want to thank my higher vibrational Guides and Angels for being around me daily and helping me to see beyond the veil of what “normal” perception looks like. I sincerely hope to help you to lift the veil so you can peek for yourself at what lies beyond your fishbowl too.
Okay, let’s play pretend for a moment and get our feet wet - imagine you’re Freida or Freddie the goldfish. Why would you look beyond the bowl when you can just see right through it? Well . . . if you’ve ever tried to look through a fishbowl, from the inside out, the curved glass bends the light. So imagine you are swimmin’ around, flappin’ your fins . . . as you look through the curved window you would be getting a distorted view of the world around you - and you wouldn’t even realize something was off!
So what creates your fishbowl experience? Well, to start with your cosmic origin is that of pure consciousness or light energy - as everything is energy! As you descend as the light, down through many many layers of energetic consciousness, into physical human form the light of who you are gets refracted, splintered, diffused. And you forget where you came from. You go from formlessness to I’m a 5’7, brunette, who can’t wait to get a hair-cut. In the higher realms you shift from expressing as super fast frequency of light into slower and slower moving vibratory levels that ultimately are slow enough to be perceived as being 3D.
Your life is your expression of your energy! Invisible to the human eye, yet measurable scientifically, there exists an energetic blue print that surrounds your physical body that determines and informs how your body will manifest its physical form.
Even as you move through the energy centers in your body your vibration slows as it moves from the top of your head to your tailbone. So every time you take a breath you are literally breathing more of the real you into your body - ‘cause your spirit is you! And we all know what happens when the body stops breathin’ - that “you” energy vacates the body. . . and yet energy itself goes back to formlessness because it cannot be destroyed!
You and I have filters connected to our physical body that distort our perceptions too! Two major filters are your thoughts and emotions. The mental and emotional bodies surround the physical body and interact with it through the radio stations of your chakra centers which provide additional filters that are specific to each center. These filters color everything you send and receive. They can drag the past kickn’ and screamin’ into the present or hurl fireballs of projection into the future that can make you want to be benched so you can sit out the rest of the game.
The mind tries to understand what is going on down there in the body and yelps ‘do something about it, fix it fast!” - so we pop a Tylenol, binge-watch some TV, and just deal with it by keeping too busy to deal with it. Your mind can end up making a patchwork quilt of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, and imagination in a makeshift attempt to restore a semblance of order and control, to protect itself from being exposed.
When the outer world has so much of your attention, society pitches in its two-cents too, training your mind to be the ‘manager’ in charge of everything and to be in control. And given that 95% of your beliefs are warehoused in the crypt of your subconscious mind, energetically in the form of programmed patterns, you just keep going about daily life on auto-pilot looking to the world outside of you for the answers rather than within. I had to wake up to that and I still catch myself drifting off to sleep at times. The mind is ready to outsmart the smartest of us . . . really it’s that good at keeping the upper hand.
So when the mind speaks to the body - often through default programs constructed from past pain - it often freaks the body out! Why? Because the body can feel like an over-worked short-line order cook - it simply can’t keep up with the frequency of demands from the mind that is like a twitter feed running 24/7. The energetic frequency of thought is faster moving than physical matter. So your body is trying to fill orders from your rational mind from yesterday, ten years ago, a few past lifetimes ago, tomorrow, and. . . it never ends.
When you are living on auto-pilot how can you truly know yourself? There’s no space for your heart, spirit, or soul to elbow their way into the conversation.
I love Albert Einstein’s quote about intuition. He says, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Your intuitive mind is not located in the head, it is located in your heart. When your heart is shut-out it’s like a speechless mediator looking shell-shocked from attempting to run damage control between your rational mind and your body. Nobody is listening only reacting - there is no space for your heart to be heard.
No wonder it can feel like your body’s ready to go on strike. And there are murmurings. . . your stomach grumbles, that throbbing headache comes and goes, that recessed tooth starts shooting pain - ALARM BELLS! Pay attention to me the body urges. . . I can’t keep up with this pace much longer.
And when the body says, “Enough!” things can end up grinding to a halt and it’s time to close the restaurant. Then the head starts thinking about what has just happened and that kicks the emotions into high gear - and the same culprit behind the problem or issue - the head - is now trying to solve it. Instead of listening more deeply to the body with the heart’s presence in the now moment we reduce or try to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. And that’s how we push against our expansion - by creating resistance.
We don’t even realize we have settled into living in a fishbowl - we accept the body-mind pain loop as being the definition of a “normal” life. We look to others who will be our partners in pain, make up stories that become beliefs, that become histories, that become destinies that become paradigms - that keep us trapped in a constricted physical experience of being human. Our focus is on everything happening out there and to us.
How would your life be if you flipped that? What if you focused on what is going on inside first and then considering things happening out there as being for your growth beyond living in your fishbowl?
We all mean well. . . we are decent, loving human beings. . . with good intentions. . . yet deep down there is a whisper. . . there’s gotta’ be more than this human drama of persecutor, rescuer, and victim flooding our TV screens and seeping into our lives!
And it’s not your fault either! You and I are evolving, awakening into an expanded awareness of who we truly are. Feeling lost at times is part of the creative process required in order to be found again. Think of it as a game of hide and go seek with yourself!
Many of are waking up. Choosing to step outside of the familiar discomfort zone and the drama being recycled in your daily lives and around all of us. Opting to connect instead with your creative soul so you can up-cycle your life experiences into an inspired remembering of who you truly are. As you put the pieces of your true self back together again in a new way you open incredible possibilities for yourself and others around you.
So to free yourself from the density drama of swimming in circles consider leaping beyond your fishbowl. Consider an IOS update for your soul! Invite the mind to relax and go neutral (release the stories/commentary), and with each conscious breath become aware that you are literally calling more of your true self (your light energy) into the present moment, then the soul (your energy bodies/blue print) can begin to partner with the body, and the body can relax from being in flight, fight or fright and begin to trust the soul. And then there is enough space and quiet for the heart to be heard and guide you.
Each of those gunky, painful, frustrating, stressful experiences is an invitation from your soul self, a gateway into an experience of your expanded multidimensional self to see the fishbowl and take a leap o’ faith beyond it. Your human journey offers you plenty of time to experiment, explore, and play with getting to know your operating system.
So as much as you can, play a loving, compassionate game with yourself and catch those moments that would seek to put you in a tail spin and yank you back deep into density, asking “Can you believe what he/she just did?” Instead lighten up, fly out as far back as you possibly can from the limitations of the bowl, smile and ask, “What’s this?” by witnessing yourself having the experience of the experience.
Wishing You Infinite Blessings & Creativity!
Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco