Dear Beautiful Creative Souls,
When I asked the Muse for inspiration and the higher dimensional guides and angels for the “green light” for the next share I was asked to just be still and allow myself to visit the creative void. Up until yesterday, I had decided I would sit out the dance with words this week and create some soul space for inner quiet beyond what words can capture.
As I gave myself permission to honor that creative impulse to just be, inspiration flowed in again. I was guided to revisit the topic of friending yourself with a greater focus on creating inner unity. When we seek unity and peace in the outer world - and it is not there as we would want to see it - discovering ways to experience unity within ourselves, despite what’s playing out around us, can begin to help us heal.
This week I would like to offer a simple prayer which came through me to you from the higher ones. . .
“May we recover our humanity through these challenging times by each looking deep within ourselves for any aspects in us that are needing the light of our awareness, the loving compassion of our presence, the forgiveness in our hearts, the courage to see beyond the illusion of separation, and the steadfast commitment and trust to practice keeping our eyes on the divine.
Your heart is the seed of you - water it with your tears as you need, then release the hope for a better past, and allow the light of your soul’s truth to nourish your expansion. Winter is but a-sleep, until your body awakens to the chill. And when the chill becomes a suffocating sweat take off the blankets, unbar your heart’s door and bravely step out of your comfortable discomfort zone. . . for when you are ready there is a whole new world on the other side awaiting you beyond what you thought you knew.”
Guardian Angel Iezalel
Trust is key right now. And because so many wounds in the world are raw and so many have been triggered into fight or flight trust may feel completely out of reach. That anything is out of reach or seeming insurmountable IS the illusion.
So many of us are living in a five senses experience of the universe or attempting to straddle the 3D material experience of being human with the other foot reaching for 5D spiritual experience. What is playing out in front of us seems like all there is. And when history repeats itself over and over again we become entrained to the habit of the pain, of the pain.
From a quantum physics point of view, you are living in time-space reality, watching the clock. If you need something from the grocery store you experience a sense of separation by not physically having it. You then calculate the time it will take to get from your home to the store. Yes, you will eventually get it - after lining up and social distancing which is serving to amplify the experience of 3D reality because we need to consider time and distance. And change happens slowly in that sense. That is what is most real to us.
And when you are living in that experience it naturally means you will identify with being more matter than spirit. And matter trying to change matter takes longer because it is the same level of consciousness desiring change. I totally get it! This is one of the greatest paradoxes - and I have wrestled with it many sleepless nights myself. You have a body, therefore. . . it kinda seems to be obvious that yes, you are matter. Yet there is an invisible life force that animates your body. So using even the simplest reasoning you are so much more than the eye can see, taste, touch, smell, or hear. The paradox of living in a binary world where things are separated is that you are both a particle (matter) and a wave (pure consciousness). The juicy part is wherever you place your focus and attention is what you will experience as ‘reality’.
So when you find the chaos and drama overwhelming and change seems impossible or just too slow, entering into meditation, in whatever form, can shift you into a different experience of being in ‘reality’. You relax the mind chatter, close your eyes, return consciously to your breath. This is not escapism! This is about consciously changing the channel so you can access new information from different dimensions of awareness that are not constrained by limits in perception that are creating pain loops. With enough practice, you can drop the material identifiers of “who you are” in 3D such as your hair or eye color, height, clothing style, age, weight, ethnicity, race, personality, and stories. You then enter a space of nothingness where you are no-one, no-thing, no-where. Creating from the unknown offers very different results than creating from the known. Get curious without judgment - where are you creating from?
And for many who are identified with their material self going to such a blank empty void of a “place” seems scary and there is resistance. Yet it is here where you flip reality on its head and enter space-time where there is endless creative space beyond form where pure consciousness can affect matter. And spirit/pure consciousness changing matter is so much faster! I will share more about this in an upcoming share. Just planting the seed for now. I have not mastered this as of yet. . . yet I am a card toting, front-row keener of a student!
Point-in-fact, it has taken a new level of courage to trust the prayer that came through me to share with you taking in front of all of you - this is a huge ol’ leap of faith for me.
After I wrote down the prayer that came through me, my false humility tried to interfere via my head/ego-mind and tell me it was from an anonymous angel. After all, who the heck am I to be channeling messages from angels. Very suave the ego is. . . almost had me convinced in doubting myself. Yet something subtle in me felt-off - and I didn’t ignore it or rationalize it away. I noticed there was a tightening in my heart when I started to type “Anonymous Angel”. Then my intuition gently suggested why would an angel remain anonymous? They are just waiting to be called on so they can assist us.
To further test my courage I was given the name of an angel I’ve never even heard of! And when I looked him up it literally took my breath away to learn that he is the angel of unity, reconciliation, fidelity, and loyalty. He supports balance and harmony between the masculine and feminine polarities. He facilitates learning. He is faithful to divine principles and supports order and harmony. He is a guardian angel from the Choirs of Angels of Cherubim overseen by Archangel Raziel.
Lately, I’ve felt such strong guidance to create some new audios to support all of you in being your own best friend. And I have committed to deepen my own daily practices during this month of June. I too am ready to dive deeper into being my own best friend. I figure if I have all this time with myself - it’s sure going to help if I can play nicely in the sandbox with myself.
So I’ve decided to be my own “lab bunny” and field test these healing practices so I can share them with you to experience as well. The pandemic is a golden opportunity for all of us to deepen our inner friendship with ourselves - even if what is playing out inside or out isn’t always pretty or easy.
There has never been a more important time to see what’s happening out there as an opportunity to notice any hurt, denial, defensiveness, resistance, overwhelm, anger, frustration, despair, and/or other such emotional energies triggered in yourself. No matter how uncomfortable things get in the heat of the moment, find the inner strength to catch yourself, and witness yourself having that experience - even if it is after the fact. Pause, breathe, and ask yourself, “What would LOVE do?” Interrupt the habit, of the habit, of the pain by showing up for yourself with compassion, forgiveness, and patience. Let love in. May the greatest wound allow the greatest light in.
Wishing You Infinite Creativity & Infinite Creative Blessings!
Much Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco