Hi Beautiful Creative Souls,
When I asked the Muse and Great Creative Spirit how I could best serve, this inspired message came through me to you. I have been moving through my own quiet process of reflecting on what these changing times are presenting to us. I am trusting that the revelations that have flooded through me, that I feel guided to share, may resonate for you, serving your highest good, and helping you to remember too just how multidimensional you are.
At the same time, I want to acknowledge and respect that everyone is having their own experience. There is much suffering, loss, and uncertainty being shown to us especially through the media and for many of us in our personal lives. In no way do I wish to minimize or overlook those realities. My intention is to focus on feeding the creative counter-balancing energies of faith, trust, and grace that still exist out there so we will re-emerge from these times, with deep soul learning, individually and collectively which serve our highest evolution. New possibilities await us beyond what our rational minds can comprehend. So with a sincere heart, I share my innermost musings with you.
Right now you are staying at home in your brick and mortar home, but are you also staying at home in your body; your soul’s home?
In essence, we are all light coming into form. Your light is your spirit expressing through a body (vehicle for your eternal soul’s journey) and a mind (the servant to the soul). By fully inhabiting your body, you will feel safer on your journey. Imagine driving on a highway while hanging outside of your car? As ridiculous as it sounds, many of us are going through life like that not fully in our bodies. Being grounded in our body means that we are strapped in and ready for the ride as we ever can be. When all of you is in your vehicle, you can hear the communication from your spiritual GPS about where to turn next on life’s road.
We also live in a holographic universe. And that means that what is happening out there is also happening inside of each of us. So in simple terms, our outer experience is like a big mirror reflecting back to us that which serves our highest soul growth.
So when we go into overwhelm about what’s happening out there we often tend to flee our body. Your human mental self alone cannot recognize your spirit’s higher perspective. It is so hard-wired for survival, often activating your reptilian brain and early nervous system. When our outer circumstances stir fear in us and we feed that fear with our mental beliefs we can literally become addicted to our own brain chemicals from these limiting beliefs. We react rather than respond. We experience life as polarized between good and bad, right and wrong, and we become fixed in linear-sequential thinking. It seems incomprehensible to our human mind that what is happening, could actually be happening for us rather than to us.
The key, as I have come to see it so far, is to notice what your mind is focusing on, in the moment, in the form of thoughts, and then pay attention to your body and listen for any discomfort.
Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field Visionary, Dr. Sue Morter says, “Instead of asking why this is happening, ask where this is happening.” Notice where there is an energetic charge. If you are noticing any tightness, constriction, heaviness, or pressure, then tune more deeply into that area in your body and notice if such emotions as hurt, sadness, frustration, anxiety, doubt, envy, anger, or jealousy are there underneath those physical sensations. If so, then breathe into that area deeply, accepting it with your loving presence until your thoughts soften.
Here is what I want you to recognize! Many of us side-step this moment. We get out of the car and eat a chocolate bar, grab a beer, shop, or pick a fight with someone. Basically we unconsciously seek socially acceptable habitual ways that feel familiar to our lower ego-mind to numb, distract, avoid, or splatter this energy outwards. After all, it needs to either get stuffed away or expelled from us so we can get some relief.
And there is no judgment, only observation in that. I still have my grab-and-go chocolate moments. I’m just more aware that that is a check engine signal from my body that something’s going on ‘under the hood of my car’. So I enjoy my sweet relief and then do a soul maintenance check by checking in with my body.
Imagine buying or renting a make of car that you don’t trust. Your spirit will certify that your body’s vehicle is fully equipped to deal with the extra wear and tear of some rocky terrain and yet we don’t ask our Higher Self for theses papers. Instead, we take detours. We avoid getting oil changes. That only keeps us fearful about our journey. And when we doubt our ability to handle what’s going on inside of us, we send the message to our self and to the world that we are not trustworthy. And we feel the world is unsafe too.
You will feel safer when you listen yo your body and respond to it with your breath right after you experience an uncomfortable emotion. By focusing on deep and slow breathing into that specific area of your body your mind can then begin to relax and trust your inner experience. Your nervous system will also begin to down-regulate itself too. Over time, with practice, the brain circuits will literally rewire themselves so that the next time you are faced by a similar stimulus your mind will be more likely to remain neutral.
When you show up with intimacy (into-me-see) for yourself you show yourself that you are trustworthy and dependable. Then your mind can take a break from over-thinking and see that all is well inside you at that moment. When we approach whatever is happening out there from an inner sense of wholeness this shifts how we experience the outer world.
So, yes! We can be the change we want to see in the world. As Einstein said, “You cannot change a problem at the same level on which it was created.” When omething wants to be tuned up in us it’s so we can drive into a better world.
For many years, like so many, I too treated my body as a servant to the mind by forcing it to do what my head thought. If my body was literally starting to fall asleep, my mental resistance acted like a dictator, saying “we don’t have time for a nap.” My body felt ignored. Each time I did not pay attention to my body my limiting mental beliefs just reinforced that is the way life goes. My head dominated, thinking it could rationalize and explain how things were going to work. It had everything figured out. My body could barely have it’s say without being dismissed, minimized, or ignored by my head. Not exactly an equal or respectful partnership.
Your spirit was so excited to come to earth so that it could experience being in a body and learn from that. The head is but one aspect of our multidimensional self. It is great for reading a map, or following directions, or comparing factual data, yet it has a tendency to get in the way and can create a lot of inner turmoil, conflict, and struggle with other aspects of us. When we live only in our heads, we attempt to think our way through life. Conversely, as we awaken to our spiritual self we can feel tempted to skip over the muddy human aspects of self on some fast-track to being spiritual. We may believe, at first, that we are less spiritual if we experience denser human emotions. As a result, we can bypass honoring these experiences in our bodies and the gifts they offer us. We need to remember, it is the beautiful lotus flower that grows in the mud.
I’m learning that paying attention to my body, one small experience at a time is an ongoing process that allows me to integrate all the unheard parts of myself. Healing allows for stuck energy that got suppressed or distorted along the way through the mind’s filter to be restored to greater clarity and wholeness. Then the body feels better and you will feel better being in your body. You will literally feel more at home in your body. For example, after you meditate it feels so good to have a loving, trusting partnership with your body that welcomes you back home to yourself from surfing moonbeams and rainbows out there in spirit space. And when you love yourself you also screen energetic visitors at the door that would only feed your fear rather than support your highest growth so you can honor your home as sacred space. And that again lifts you above the drama and helps you to feel truly safe in the here and now. It also frees you from wasting energy on trying to control outer circumstances. So instead of your mind feeding you the illusion that you will be safe when things turn out as you think they ought to, let your soul lead you back to the truth through your body.
You are here to be a creator! Your body is a wise and intuitive communicator. Be open to your spirit’s inspired guidance,, check-in with your body to notice if it resonates with your soul, then follow your heart’s passionate action, as you employ your mind to work out the logistics. That is how to come out of life’s challenges ultimately better, not bitter.
Shifting how we look at our inner world, shifts how we perceive the outer world. Seeing goes beyond what our physical eyes can perceive. We have spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical seeing that offers valuable feedback. There is a paradigm shift underway. Evolution is expressing itself through each of us and as we become less fragmented and more unified we each contribute to that Quantum Flip by allowing it to be an inside job first.
Wishing you infinite creative blessings!
Much Love & Light,
Pollyanna Blanco