Nourish Your Body & Soul
Do any of these ring true for you? Here's what's possible in as little as 3 months!
Feeling low-energy? Have more get-up-and-go!
Feeling sleepless? Rediscover what it feels like to wake up rested!!
Feeling anxious? Optimize your gut-brain connection & relax!
So Proud To Partner With One Of The World’s Leading Health Innovators!
I Swear By My Usana Products
For over 5 years now I’ve been enjoying the benefits of these high-quality supplements to fill in the gaps and keep me going when there’s a lot that I’m excited to create. They have been a beautiful complement to my healthy life. For so many years now I’ve just used them myself and been my own lab rat. Now it’s time to come out and share them with the world. Even if I never sold another bottle I would be taking them over anything else I’ve tried out there! I invite you to check them out for yourself and see if they are right for you too!
Stress-Relief The Science of Serenity
choices that maintain calm
Supporting Calm
with every breath you take
Mood & Relaxation Support
your foundation for living creatively
Chakra Health & Physical Health
Did you know that how we manage our energy is so important to our physical health? Although chakras are not physical, they are aspects of consciousness that interact with the body’s endocrine and nervous systems. Chakras convert energy from one level to another by distributing life force energy, known as Ki , Chi or Prana, depending on the belief system, to the physical body. The energy travels through energy channels called meridians or nadi and into energetic hubs called chakras. Interestingly, each of the 7 in-body chakra centers corresponds to a different area of the body as well as to the body’s endocrine glands.
Optimal health of the body is the endocrine system’s job. Through a number of ductless glands, it regulates other body systems by releasing hormones, acting as chemical messengers, into the bloodstream from particular organs that stimulate or inhibit physical processes. By adjusting the hormone levels, your endocrine system controls all aspects of growth and development.
Holistic health and well-being acknowledge that balancing our mental and emotional states is interrelated with diet and exercise. So how we think and feel is just as important as the attention we pay to our physical body. For many of us living in the modern world, maintaining this energy balance between thoughts and feelings with our can be difficult. Some of our chakras can become over-active while others become under-active and imbalance is created by some chakras compensating for others. Physical challenges can result from disrupted or even blocked energy flow. Creating energetic balance is about restoring harmony within so each chakra plays its own part interdependently with the body as a whole.
When our physical body’s root chakra needs are met for optimal health and safety we can more easily move from survival mode to thriving in all areas of our life. We can begin to open to self-actualization and soul expansion. Your physical body is your vehicle in 3D reality and the soul is the driver - that is if the ego-mind is receptive to being in the child-safety-seat. A partnership then between the body and soul is about a dynamic give and take between two parties who respect each other as equals. Listening to each other is key.
When the body-heart speaks discomfort or pain are we listening? Or is our head pushing us to do more than our body can handle, thinking it knows better. For example, getting enough nourishment from our food alone in even the healthiest of diets in the face of soil depletion, pollution, and freshness can be tricky. Grabbing convenience foods, snacking, can become habits that congest the feedback loop between our head and our body, creating inner conflict, stimulating emotional and mental states that activate chemical-releases in our body that erode our well-being over time. As a result, we can feel stuck, as if life is happening to us. To tap into our multidimensional creative self we need to awaken to making conscious choices that co-create that harmonious partnership between the head and the body-heart. That way there is space for the soul to speak and be heard. And we just feel better!
Supplementing with high-quality nutritional products to fill in the gaps is one important way I manage my energy along with a healthy diet, exercise, meditation, prayer, creativity, relaxation, connections with friends and family, and fun. I like to think of it as eating my insurance. I have been my own “lab rat” for five years now.
Sustaining my energy level by taking highly bio-available, cellular-level supplements has been complementary support. I have had the energy to learn to hear my soul through some roller-coaster life experiences while staying on-line with the divine, developing spiritual tenacity, cultivating creative courage, and heeding my soul’s calling.
One of the beautiful paradoxes of life is that we are both spirit and matter. When we only focus on one to the exclusion of the other we can lose that balance. As awakening multidimensional beings, by seeking a dynamic, flowing, harmony between the physical (matter/particle) and divine selves (spirit/wave), that makes it possible for us to keep expanding into the fullest expression of ourselves. Taking care of all aspects of our inner environment, from the cellular to the mental and emotional levels is key.
American developmental biologist, Bruce Lipton, supports the theory that gene expression could be influenced by environmental factors, i.e. environmental factors have a greater impact on health than genetic research has previously determined. He talks about how we each have 50 trillion cells in our body that exhibit a system of government, economy (ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate - the cell’s energy wealth), and social structure.
The health of our inner environment also shows up in the health of our skin too. Energy work amplifies the benefits of the healthy routines we practice for our well-being. From blessing our water as we drink it regularly throughout the day, to taking salt showers or baths after doing healing work, energy follows intention so it is important to be mindful of how you are nourishing your inner environment. You can ask yourself, is this food, drink, supplement going to nourish me on a cellular level? And if it’s not, then what part of you are you feeding? And are you happy with the results you are experiencing? Conscious choice is your greatest freedom.
What I love about my health protocol is that I’ve been using a truly unique product, from a high integrity company, that I can trust, and that creatively thinks outside of the box. Their latest innovation resonates because it acknowledges that we are conscious creators right down to the cellular level.
Learn how the nutritional support of USANA InCelligence Technology™ helps the cellular renewal process of mitophagy to reduce free radical damage, promote sufficient energy production, and renew aging cellular components
USANA’s CellSentials™ nutritional supplements can optimize your body’s natural ability to generate its own antioxidants, which is key to fighting off free radical damage taking place in your cells. Watch this video to learn how these nutritional products utilize the power of USANA InCelligence Technology™ to deliver this enhanced protection.