5 Things I No Longer Believe About Not Having Enough Time
I Used To Believe That. . .
Chasing the clock was my source of stress.
What I’ve come to realize is that being grounded in my body and balancing my energy system each morning by working with my chakras brings my focused awareness inside me so that I can move throughout the day in rhythm with my soul rather than led by the external ticking of the clock. Sure I still have timelines to follow with work and appointments to keep. What has shifted is my perception of time and it frees up my energy!
I need a longer day.
I used to think I needed more time in my day. Now I realize it’s the quality of energy I bring to my day that matters the most. When my cup is full and I feel in alignment with my true self, the mind chatter eases, I can focus and direct my energy more effectively. When I’m online with the divine that makes it so much easier to trust the flow of what can be done in a day and release that which cannot. I have come to understand that there is a higher force moving through all of us and it is about dancing with it and opting for the graceful waltz over the mosh pit.
Time can be lost.
I understand better now that this perception of losing time stems from a lack mindset. It was my ego’s way of discounting all the “wasted” moments as being fruitless when in truth it was rich fertilizer for the soul. It is so easy for us to buy into being human DOINGS rather than human BEINGS. We need the spaces in between the inspired action as much as we need the action itself. And that will look different to all of us. People often comment that I “do” a lot. Yet most of the time it doesn’t feel that way to me. I experience a spaciousness within the inspired action by becoming a clear channel for my divine nature to express through my human vehicle - even if it’s just folding the laundry. Yep! Unloading the washer is divine too! So in moments when I allow myself to fall out of this still point within and hit patches of turbulence the difference in my experience of time is palpable and it motivates me to get back in sync with my expanded presence.
Time is moving too quickly.
Many of us are experiencing time speeding up and that’s why it’s so easy for us to go into NOT ENOUGH thinking. It’s not your fault! Our brains are still hard-wired to be in survival mode - it’s our default. Yet these experiences of time are an invitation to evolve ourselves on all levels as a species. As I have come to see it through my own experience, the soul lesson is to heal our sense of victim consciousness collectively and our fear of change in order to remember the powerful divine creators we truly are. You and I are while interconnected energetically are sovereign beings of light expressing in human form. That means our consciousness determines our perceptions which determines our experiences.
Time is linear.
I had a subconscious inner conflict that was running under my radar for years. Since childhood I could picture time as a wheel - it was never an actual line in my mind’s eye and it was definitely connected to the seasons. Yet conventional thinking taught me that it was normal to perceive it as a line - yet that didn’t truly resonate with me. Moreover, each day even still has its own unique felt-sense subtle energy too that greets me and offers its raw life-force and I get to choose how to dance with it. Years later I discovered the Mayan calendar speaks to this. So I’ve come to expand my childhood perception of the wheel into a spiral. Since I perceive time as cyclical, even the past can be revised, and I can commune with my future self.
Hello Beautiful Creative Souls,
Happy Sugar Moon! Life is about to get a lot sweeter. And it starts with the small stuff. In every seed exists a universe unto itself. Just as the winter thaw reveals fertile ground for spring flowers to peek above the soil’s weight, so too is this your magical moment for a spiritual breakthrough. It’s a time of transformation. Yes, the season is changing, and it offers us a re-birth too. A chance to release the soul sludge. Are you ready to see with new eyes?
Over the long winter months, hibernating, and retreating within what challenges have been weighing you down? What thoughts, emotions, and feel like a tired old pair of thread-bare sneakers? Which recent past lessons have intimated that there’s something more expansive awaiting you than you can yet see?
Full moon energy supports completion. Take stock of how far you’ve come, what has passed its ‘best-before date - so you can feel into where you would love to go from here.
Taking time to pause and reflect on the “small” everyday promises kept to one’s self is where you find the yummy sweet goodness. Notice the daily consistent habits that have created this NOW moment for you. Feel into them. Tired of my own bad country and western Donna Summer spin-off rendition, ‘Ain’t No Time Long Enough, To Get To You.” live streaming in my brain, I committed to reading a paragraph or more a day of an uplifting book every morning before teaching - only to realize I’m NOW two-thirds of the way through this tomb.
What shifted? Time. I let go of the need to get it done yesterday. I savored the words I read. My morning reading ritual has varied from 5 to 15 minutes and I released my inner critic, opting to qualify rather than quantify the value of this time. Pen perched in hand, I let go of my old perfectionistic need to keep this book pristine, preferring to dog-ear pages and make wildly passionate underlines sans ruler. Daring! Liberating! I figured a book lived-in transforms into a diary of contemplations, just as marking the height of your nephew over the years with pencil marks on the kitchen wall is beautiful too.
What awaits? Infinite creative possibilities. You and I, we can shift anything. So often, we start with the big deal, get overwhelmed, and give up. That’s why the biggest shifts are seemingly small at first. Just as an acorn seed contains a full-grown oak tree that can thrive for hundreds of years, so too can the seeds of change open you to inner shifts that ripple out into expansive growth.
Minutes don’t matter as much as the quality of mind you bring to ‘em. My morning minutes were just as profound as diligently doing weekly squats during hour-long exercise sessions. NOW when I need to pick up whatever object has fled my grasp, I bounce back each time from picking it up and I FEEL so good in my body - body, mind, and soul, we’re a team. Those morning minutes were my teacher pointing out to me, reminding me through experience, to pay attention to the small daily choices.
So if you’ve been experiencing places where you are caught in a loop and trying to get unstuck it’s likely because of the beliefs that we’ve all been programmed with. And with all respect, these beliefs are old-world ones. Big change requires big action. All or nothing. Goal-driven at any cost success. No excuses! Tough-love. Time is money. You can’t beat the clock.
It’s time to take down the hamster-wheel! Chop it up. Recycle it. Turn it into an eco-friendly re-purposed fiber for a delightful sweater. Our perception and experience of time as we’ve come to know it is hurting, not helping us.
Animals are so fascinating to us as they mirror aspects of our own true nature, especially when we desire to keep them as pets. Recently, my nephew received a hamster for his birthday, as did another good friend’s son. Let me tell you, hamsters cannot be satisfied by life on a wheel alone. One of the boy’s hamsters would have been more aptly named Houdini as he spent more time out of his first cage than in it. Both have now moved into more expansive accommodations to satisfy their urge to live their lives beyond the wheel.
And living beyond the hamster wheel, the old world way of doing things is the clarion call from your soul these days. We just experienced a huge energetic gateway with the Spring Equinox on March 20. Automatic updates for the soul often happen while we are sleeping. So whether we are consciously aware of these new light codes and frequencies infusing the earth our bodies are seeking to integrate them.
That’s why there can be periods of time where you notice you are feeling exhausted and we attribute it to not having enough time. What’s really going on is that our inner operating system is being primed to operate on a more finely tuned level and the outer world is out of sync with that new felt sense of time. We can lose a lot of energy when the old mental plug-ins are outdated. Limiting beliefs and perceptions, old-world ways of being can make our energy system feel sluggish. That’s when we make up stories about it that we run-on like a hamster wheel.
My intuitive hit is that ten years from now if the hamster wheel comes up in conversation it will be reserved exclusively for convoys about our furry friends. As a metaphor, it will be off the table for the masses in terms of how we perceive time, stress, our own expectations, and success. We will have shifted from human doings to human beings, and the world will still function, even thrive as a result of that shift!
Wishing you Infininite Creative Blessings & Infinite Creativity!
Pollyanna Blanco